
Chemical formula:


Lattice type:


How to grow:

Bridgman furnace

Magnetic model:

Frustrated and anisotropic triangular-like S=1/2 magnet

Why is it cool:

Unusual interplay of exchange frustration and competing anisotropies

Cs2CoBr4 crystal

A "lost" quantum magnet from Cs2BX4 generic family, Cs2CoBr4, was re-discovered in our group. Like its relatives, the primary exchange patterns are on the so-called distorted triangular lattice. Yet, this particular material has a twist: cobalt ions have S=3/2 that are subject to extreme easy plane ionic anisotropy, such that only the pseudospin-1/2 degrees of freedom are active at low temperature. The orientation of the easy plane is alternating between the sites and thus the effective S=1/2 Hamiltonian is full of strongly anisotropic direction-dependent interactions. This leads to the very complicated quantum phase diagram in this material, featuring several magnetization plateaux and purely quantum exotic phases.

Particularly, we observed for the first time a longitudinal spin-density wave in the triangular-lattice model. We comprehensively mapped its ground state and excitations. We discovered that its incommensurability is field-dependent, and how it is related to bulk magnetization. At higher field, the spin-density wave ordering vector locks at 1/3 value, and the magnetic structure is replaced by an up-up-down 1/3 magnetization plateau state.

Cs2CoBr4 phase diagram
Cs2CoBr4 phase diagram in magnetic field applied along the H||b special direction.

K. Yu. Povarov, L. Facheris, S. Velja, D. Blosser, Z. Yan, S. Gvasaliya, A. Zheludev, Magnetization plateaux cascade in the frustrated quantum antiferromagnet Cs2CoBrexternal page Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043384 (2020)

L. Facheris, K. Yu. Povarov, S. D. Nabi, D. G. Mazzone, J. Lass, B. Roessli, E. Ressouche, Z. Yan, S. Gvasaliya, A. Zheludev, external page Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 087201 (2022)


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