Barium cadmium vanadyl phosphate is another material from the proximate frustrated square lattice quantum magnets family. This is a very exciting one as according to the preliminary powder data it is supposed to be really close to the nematic instability, with no "transverse" magnetic order, but only the spontaneously anisotropic spin fluctuations. Until very recently the material was not seen in a crystalline form. If this is not enough, the ordinary cadmium needs to be replaced with a particular isotope to make this compound suitable for neutron studies. The crystals grown and studied by our group are truly unique.
Difficulties with the synthesis are definitely paying off. A very peculiar magnetic state was discovered, spanning by quite a lot above what used to be thought as the saturation field. This state seemingly lacks antiferromagnetic ordering and is slightly demagnetized. So far this is a really intriguing candidate for the actual presence of the spin nematic order.
V. K. Bhartiya, K. Yu. Povarov, D. Blosser, S. Bettler, Z. Yan, S. Gvasaliya, S. Raymond, E. Ressouche, K. Beauvvois, J. Xu, F. Yokaichiya, and A. Zheludev, Presaturation phase with no dipolar order in a quantum ferro-antiferromagnet, external page Phys. Rev. Research 1, 033078 (2019); external page arXiv:1908.01734
K. Yu. Povarov, V. K. Bhartiya, Z. Yan, A. Zheludev, Thermodynamics of a frustrated quantum magnet on a square lattice, external page arXiv:1807.09549, external page Phys. Rev. B 99 024413 (2019)